Lesson 3.3 Corinthians

Honestly before reading this I did not have much knowledge about Corinthians except knowing it was a place in the bible, so seeing it outside a religious context and in a more historical context makes the place much more real and gives it a lot more depth.Its interesting to know how the city changed from a Greek city to a roman city since I always thought Romans respected Greek culture and just left it alone but now its obvious they also try to heavily influence it. Also the fact that the city was a place with so many religions, with Roman pagan religion, Egyptian religion and Judaism, makes it amazing that Christianity was able to get ahead in a small place where not even the main roman gods dominated.

And about Paul its intriguing how its mentioned that he was able to establish Christianity in the city with at least a few followers but with time his relationship with them went sour which was shown in his letters. I just did not think of Paul having this kind of problem since he is always shown as such an important figure in Christianity, so losing peoples loyalty doesn’t seem like a problem he would have.

